Human Resources

Human Resources
Overview of Human Resources
As an employee of the Union City Board of Education, we provide you with competitive compensation and benefits packages, opportunities to partake in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, professional development programming and much more.

This section of the website is a tool for the Human Resources Department so we can provide you with more details about your employment. For more information, contact the Human Resources Department.
Plan Connect Services - Tax Shelter Services: 403(b)
Fax: 1-800-657-2826
Customer Service Email: [email protected]
Highly Qualified Teacher Information

In accordance with the Every Child Succeeds Act, the Union City Board of Education employs highly qualified teachers.

To read the NJDOE information regarding The New Jersey Model for Identifying Highly Qualified Teachers, click here.

Opportunities for Non-instructional Staff

There are many opportunities for employment within Union City for non-instructional staff. An employee is a non-instructional employee when his or her job description does not identify specific, regular instructional duties relating to students.

Typical non-instructional positions include: para-professional, security, custodial, clerical, and technical.